bartonsnethers: Lucy Liu in the Iron Woman film trilogy The...
Lucy Liu in the Iron Woman film trilogy
The hero you call Iron Man does not exist. I am Iron Woman.
Back when I was a big fan of the MCU, I recast the white dude heroes as women of color. Someone brought back the Lucy Liu one, and I thought I’d make something a little more polished than the original.
paul-chastain: [x]
oliver-and-felicity: (x)
how to swag without even standing up
how to swag without even standing up
"Mae Mobley was my last baby. In just ten minutes, the only...
"Mae Mobley was my last baby. In just ten minutes, the only life I knew was done."
jetgirl78: Nieves: You have to forget about her.Isabel: I won’t...
Nieves: You have to forget about her.
Isabel: I won’t and I can’t.
— Tierra de Lobos Season Three Trailer
emmawatsonsdaily: One of the reasons why Emma Watson is one of...
One of the reasons why Emma Watson is one of the best female role-models of our time. She’s so underrated.
The thing that’s different about me, empirically speaking, is...
The thing that’s different about me, empirically speaking, is you.
first-enchanter-vivienne: Sleepy Hollow 1x01 Sneak Peek 2
I know I’m not a conventional beauty. You can read a lot of...
I know I’m not a conventional beauty. You can read a lot of painful things on the internet which criticise you aesthetically. But as far as I’m concerned, that’s not what an actress is.
#APRIL IS SO FAR AWAY #the gifs represent how I feel about...
Men still have trouble recognizing that a woman can be complex,...
Men still have trouble recognizing that a woman can be complex, can have ambition, good looks, sexuality, erudition, and common sense. A woman can have all those facets, and yet men, in literature and in drama, seem to need to simplify women, to polarize us as either the whore or the angel.